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Cover for "A Pale Shadow Creeps"










The original cover For "A  River of Tears".

The photograph is of the weir on the river Lussa

At Peninver, Argyll. 


Eilean Donan Castle at sunset.


 Another view of the river Lussa at Peninver, Near Campbeltown and close to where I grew up.

It is also the river in which i caught my first trout. 

A View across to Davaar island near Campbeltown.

 The rock causway at Peninver

 Kildonan dun on the east side of the kintyre peninsula.




Inveraray, Argyll as the sun sets over the quay.


Another sunset, This time at Lochgoilhead, near the rest and be thankful.


 The (ruined) castle at lochgoilhead.

 Cover for the paperback version of Cornelius.




 The standing stones at calnish.

 Cover for "Tales from this Northern Land".





 Cover for, A river of Tears

 Cover for  "A Shiver"



 Cover for "Cornelius" Tradeback.

 Cover for "twisted Sisters" Hardback.





Cover from Nut brown eyes, all editions.

 Another possible cover for a river of tears but discarded in favour of the one used.






Cover for Glimpse