The River Girls Torment

There is a girl in the River, a beautiful girl, she has long brown hair that curls like River weed. She has dark eyes, that glow with the colours of the River, she is sinuous as the eddy's and currents that make the River live and Rob has been looking for her his whole life.
She is the girl in the River and he is the one that watches her. He wishes to find out about her, he wishes to know her, his River girl, he wants to understand her and perhaps even love her but the River Girl will try to tame him before the end.

"The River Girls Torment"  is the new novel by Raymond walker, a work of romance but obsession and madness as Rob glimpses something new in the river that his house lies above; a girl. It could be simply his imagination or his loneliness causing him to see the girl but he thinks it is not. He thinks her real and sets out to find her, to know what she is, to know her. It is his goal, his need, his obsession and he searches for her for years and one day, he finds her).

"The River Girls Torment" is a work of true beauty, thoughtful, clever, quirky and full of earthy magic. I love This.
Rob Anderson, author of "Elizabeth" 

An absolute Delight from Raymond Walker, clever, current and topical, never mind the beautiful romance, this has so much more to offer than boy meets girl.
Aldrich Kenney, author of "When East meets West" and "The leaves in Poland"

The River Girls Torment

Raymond Walker, 6th Feb 2016.

I am in a strange position with this novel, one in which I have never found myself before and so find it difficult to explain. 

The River Girls Torment is not released until 22nd April 2016 but you can buy it just now. It is available for purchase only on Amazon. The paperback is available to buy but not in shops or at other locations only from /.com and the digital format is available only for Amazon Kindle. Should you wish to buy it in the shops or from any other location then you have to wait until the official release date of 22nd April. 

Even Amazon customers seemed confused by this idea as the book appears twice one with the official release date and a note that it is available for pre-order and another that is available to order immediately. The same applies to kindle.

The rights are held by Amazon until the official release date but you can buy it now only from Amazon.

I think (hope) that this is due to confusion over actual release dates that sales are low at the moment, even though the book's early release came as news, even to me, the deal being done when I was unavailable. I usually have a raft of sales quite quickly after release, thanks to many readers that like my output. but this has not happened yet in this case. I do trust that it is down to the confusion rather than it being a bad book. The critics and other authors certainly loved it, I have a great list of their comments. It is my fervent hope that readers like it as well.